Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello everyone!

Remember way back when I posted a blog about volunteering for the Cuentos Foundation ( Well, I hope you can make it to this event on Friday, October 2, that benefits this amazing organization. If you can't make it on Friday, don't worry! The gallery will be open until October 30, so you will have plenty of time to stop by and check out work from many different talented artists. My photography will be displayed too, and a portion of all sessions booked at the gallery will benefit Cuentos Foundation.

Thanks, and hope to see you there!


Come celebrate Chicago Artists Month during the month of October by supporting the work of artists and activists involved with
the Cuentos Foundation community.

October 2, 2009 through October 30, 2009
Opening Reception: Friday, October 2, 2009, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Live music
Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be served
Free and open to the public, suggested donation $5

Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, from 10 am - 2 pm
or by appointment

Closing Reception: Friday, October 30, 2009, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

La Casa de Arte y Cultura “Calles y Sueños” Gallery
1901 S. Carpenter
Chicago, IL 60608

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kathryn and Tim's Wedding

I had the joy of doing an engagement shoot with Kathryn and Tim in July, and so I knew to expect a beautiful and fun wedding in September. I was right! The weather was perfect, the church- magnificent, the bride and groom- glowing, and the reception at an Irish pub- fun!

Kathryn found a company that sets up photo booths at events, and one of the groomsmen suggested I partake (note photo on right).

Here are a few more fabulous shots from the day. Congratulations Kathryn and Tim! I hope Kauai is treating you well!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big City Babies

Last week I had a play date with Big City Babies, a local Chicago playgroup. This was the first time I have ever had so much cuteness in front of my camera at one time (nine babies and their moms), so I wasn't quite sure where to start! After some candids with everyone, I ended up spending a few moments with each of the babies away from the group. I had so much fun getting to see the wide array of one-year old personalities, and I am excited for the next BCB session in October! Here are a few stars from the shoot. The rest of your photos will be up next week.
Thanks everyone!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Annie and Wes Get Married!

This past weekend I was back in Madison for another wedding. The weather was as equally beautiful as last month's Madison wedding, but this time it took place on a boat cruise on Lake Monona! It was so much fun and gave a bit of variety to the evening's events. We started off in front of the capital at Monona Terrace...

...and then moved to the boat for the nuptials and reception.

After the boat ride the newlyweds gained their land legs through a row of sparkling fire.

Then, back to Monona Terrace for a few more night shots. Thank you to Annie's dad for stopping traffic. I think this shot was worth it!

Thanks, Annie and Wes, for your creative ideas and fun-loving spirits. Wishing you and your family much happiness in the years to come!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby Maddox and Family

Two weeks ago I went to visit my mom who just moved to Seattle. We spend the weekend in Portland, and I was lucky enough to be there five days after my friends had their second baby boy, Maddox. They welcomed me into their home to take a first few shots of their new family.

Look at the proud big brother!

...and grandma too!

Can't help but stick babies in baskets- especially when they are so snuggly that they end up sleeping there for an hour. Who needs a crib?

Thank you for the beautiful morning and fond memories! -Leah

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall Mini-Sessions in Oak Knoll Park

We had so much fun this summer with our Oak Knoll Park mini-sessions in 100 degree heat, for sure we will have even more fun with fall weather. Start thinking about holiday photos and join me!

When: September 20th- afternoonish

Where: Oak Knoll Park, Clayton, MO- Meet at the playground.

Details: $30 for the 25 minute session, order prints separately approximately two weeks after the shoot. Feel free to bring any special props you'd like in the photos (blankets, bonnets, baskets, or anything else that may or may not start with the letter B).

Email or Call: or 708-714-1644 to schedule your time slot.

See you there!