Friday, August 14, 2009

And the Clouds Parted...

This summer I have had the opportunity to photograph a few weddings, and this particular one was so magical to me. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was just outside Madison, WI, city of my alma mater. Or maybe that the park, with it's towering trees and dense vegetation felt like a scene from a fairy tale.

Oh yes, let me mention that the ceremony was to take place on the park overlook of Lake Mendota.

I say this hesitantly because do you notice the slick ground in this photo? The outdoor, lake overlook part almost didn't happen. The morning of the wedding I drove through thunderstorms so treacherous, that I was unable to see the car 50 feet in front of me. While the shelter next to the overlook had a natural beauty to it that would have provided cozy quarters for the ceremony/reception combo, I know that everyone had a glimmer of hope that the rain would leave us for the early afternoon nuptials. I parked my car as close as I could to the ceremony location and started plastic bagging my equipment to keep it dry until I got to the shelter. No sooner was all my equipment covered than the clouds had parted and the sun was shining with blue sky. Ahhhh!!! (said with a high pitched singing voice). Here are a few more images from the beautiful, sunny afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. leah, you are so very talented. you have definitely raised the bar on the art of taking a photo & presenting it. clients will be so lucky to have your work in their home.
