Friday, October 30, 2009

Welcome Baby Joey!

I have known Tommy since I was 10 and Sarah since I was 15. Our high school crowd was ecstatic when they got married, 11? 12? years after they started dating, and to add blessing onto blessing they have just welcomed a baby Joey into their lives. It was a no-brainer that I would travel to St. Louis to photograph a few fleeting moments at the beginning of his very long journey in this world. We can't stop the growing up process, nor would we want to, but I hope these photos will preserve the memory of this very special time in your lives. More soon... Leah

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Big City Babies 2- October Colors

We were so lucky to have a beautiful fall day for our second Big City Babies session, after canceling twice due to rainy weather. One or two came in costume to celebrate Halloween a bit early, and others came in their fall best, accented by pumpkins. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood, so it was very difficult to narrow it down, but here are some of my favorite shots from the morning. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rain = Good Luck on Wedding Day

I know Crystal and Michael have been waiting for these...

I photographed their beautiful wedding two weeks ago in Peoria, IL. We had plans to take photos in a park after the ceremony before heading to their reception at the zoo, but the weather had a different idea. Waiting for the wedding party to arrive at Bradley Park, I watched the raindrops smacking against my windshield. I got a call from Michael:

"Leah, my iPhone says it's cloudy out right now...right here," he says (with more of an optimistic rather than skeptical tone in his voice). "I guess we'll just have to wait for everyone to get here so we can caravan to the zoo."

So we waited until everyone got to the park, at which point the rain completely ceased long enough for us to take 45 minutes worth of pictures.

Stacey Vaeth, who is not just a wonderful friend but photographer extraordinaire (, posted a few weeks ago that taking photos after the rain gets the gunk out of the atmosphere and allows for crisp, colorful photos. I'll be honest- I love to play around with color effects. I believe different color variations can bring a new dimension and feel to the photograph. That said, this photo- unedited, straight from my camera, was too perfect to touch with any photo software:

To me, it looks like the Heavens are shining a spotlight on this incredibly in love couple.

Enjoy these few photos, Michael and Crystal, until I get the rest of them posted. Thanks for including me in your fun, gorgeous, wedding! -Leah

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Cold!

Just a couple of shots that jumped out at me from today's family shoot by the lake. This little guy is only one, but doesn't it just look like he's saying "It's cooold"?

It was. Time to find some indoor venues for winter photos!

Thanks again, Natalie! I'll have your session posted next week. -Leah

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Baby Art

I have about three shoots ahead of this one that I need to edit, but I really couldn't contain myself after I had this newborn session. So I skipped ahead and picked six of my favorite shots to post.

Newborn art- my favorite subject. Actually, this is not a true newborn shoot, because this beauty is 6 weeks old. The crumpled up, womb-like positions typical of newborns haven't been seen for several weeks now (sniff). That said, look at these shots! This little girl is one of the most expressive six week-olds I have ever seen, knows her poses well (even while sleeping), and may have a modeling career ahead of her.

If anyone is interested in a newborn art session (in Chicago or St. Louis) make sure to give me a heads up so I can be there within 2 weeks after the baby is born.

Friday, October 2, 2009

September Stragglers

By stragglers I meant me- not the wonderful people I photographed. I didn't get my act together to write individual blogs about each of these sessions, so I have grouped the remaining September sessions together (minus a birthday party/small wedding ceremony that might make it up later). Sorry if you are a part of this mish mosh of photos, and my inability to get it together in no way means that you aren't important! A few STL sessions are in here too.